
College Psychological Services

Please see below for information regarding the Trinity College Psychological Services.

Trinity College currently employs two full-time psychologists in the senior school and one part-time psychologist in the junior school, who offer a variety of direct and indirect services to support the wellbeing and educational growth of its students. The College Psychologists are available to assist the community in the following ways:

  • Providing short-term intervention to address issues affecting students during their time at school, which may encompass social, emotional, and mental health concerns. In some cases, they may recommend services outside of school.
  • Collaborating with students, parents, and teachers to enhance a student's learning skills and environment. This may, on occasion, involve psychological assessments and/or recommendations for assessments and interventions outside of the school.
  • Developing and facilitating programs aimed at bolstering the wellbeing and resilience of both students and staff.
  • Contributing to the formulation and revision of relevant policy documents.
  • Serving as active members of the Pastoral Council and the Emergency Response Team.

It is essential to note that all requests for consultations and appointments with the College Psychologists should be initiated through the respective Head of Year (Senior School) or Teacher (Junior School). 

Junior School Information

Senior School Information